08 December 2013

37 Weeks

Short post tonight since it's getting past my bedtime. Baby Grayson now weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel. We're doing away with the fruit/veggie comparison now as we've gotten to the point where he is really just baby size. We've started weekly appointments with our midwife and officially preregistered at the hospital. Also getting the hospital bag packed just in case.

So excited to welcome this week's guest stars - Jason & Maleea! They both made it safe and sound and are now just trying to adapt to this crazy cold snap we're dealing with. Despite the cold, right after we took this week's photos, we went to the Christmas Stroll downtown Bozeman. Got some good chai, roasted marshmallows and looked at the pretty lights.

After we the Stroll, we took Jason and Maleea to the Bacchus for some drinks (hot cocoa for me) and curry fries. While we were there, I started experiencing some painful Braxton-Hicks contractions. They were definitely the most intense that I have experienced so far. It really made me realize that the labor won't happen on any type of schedule and that I just need to be mentally prepared at all times. 

Exciting things coming up this week - it's my last week of work before maternity leave starts and my mom arrives on Saturday!

Grayson's auntie and uncle are here to stay!

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