14 January 2011

The Chronicle is an amazing paper for  a photographer. Every Sunday, they devote the full backpage of the paper to photos. There are no guidelines, no rules; just whatever the photographer feels like shooting. To make it even sweeter, they also let the shooter design the page themselves. Total creative control! Here are some of my favorites from my viewfinder shoot - old, run-down barns at twilight/night. At the end of the post is the final product that will be in the paper on Sunday. 


  1. Amazing and beautiful. You have such an artistic soul. These could be a metaphor for closing one season of life just before a new beginning. I remember these scenes in Montana. You've captured
    history. Excellent!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The one with the stars is so beautiful! I need you to teach me to do that!

  4. Thanks Grammie. And Taryn, we'll have to make a star trails date when I get back! :)

  5. Ididnt get a.chance to comment here before...but alisia these pics are surreal an most beautiful....nice work dear daughter.
