10 September 2013

25 Weeks

Baby is now 13.5 inches long and weighs around 1.5 pounds, or roughly the weight of a cauliflower. Feeling very pregnant this week (didn't I say that last week too?). We have a checkup appointment with our midwife tomorrow - excited to hear the baby's heartbeat! It's so cool because I remember the first time we went to hear the heartbeat, it took what felt like FOREVER (in reality, probably only a minute or two) to find the little pumpernickel and finally hear its heart. Last month when we had the Doppler test to hear the heartbeat, it popped up right away. Guess that shows how much bigger and stronger the baby is now. 

Also SO excited because today, thanks to the wonderful generosity of my in-laws, Mama and Papa D, we have our crib and bassinet on order! They are beautiful and are going to look amazing in pumpernickel's nursery, which we've made a lot of progress on already. Walls (and ceiling and closet) have been painted (thanks to my amazing husband). The reupholstering of the glider/rocker is going well. Soon, when more things are put together, I will do a blog post reveal of the baby's room. It's going to knock your socks off!

In the meantime, here's me and pumpernickel this week (plus an extra special guest star who was having a little too much fun playing toss-the-cauliflower).

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